Apple Pay přidal podporu 50 nových amerických bank
Autor: Markéta Mikešová
Apple do seznamu bank podporujících Apple Pay neustále přidává nějaké nové. Nyní přidal dalších 50. Všechny jsou americké, takže lidé v ostatních zemích, kde Apple Pay funguje, z toho nijak benefitovat nebudou.
Apple Pay je vedle USA momentálně dostupný jen v Kanadě, Austrálii a UK, nicméně rozšiřování bank v těchto regionech lehce zaostává. Například v UK službu podporuje jen 15 bank.
Celý seznam nových můžete vidět níže.
- 1st MidAmerica Credit Union
- Achieve Financial Credit Union
- Advantage Federal Credit Union
- Alloy Federal Credit Union
- Altoona First Savings Bank
- Altura Credit Union
- Amalgmated Bank of Chicago
- Associated Credit Union of Texas
- Bank of Ann Arbor
- Beehive Federal Credit Union
- Brand Banking Company
- Business Bank of St. Louis
- Capitol Credit Union
- Charlotte State Bank & Trust
- Citizens Bank (AL)
- Citizens Savings Bank
- Community Credit Union
- Credit Union of Texas
- Earthmover Credit Union
- Employment Security Credit Union
- Family Trust Federal Credit Union
- First Community Bank of Beemer
- First Interstate Bank
- First Service Federal Credit Union
- First Service Federal Credit Union
- Fort Community Credit Union
- Georgia Bank and Trust
- HomeStar and Financial Services
- Houston Highway Credit Union
- IDB-IIC Federal Credit Union
- Jefferson Financial Credit Union
- Katahdin Federal Credit Union
- Lion’s Share Federal Credit Union
- Mainstreet Community Bank of Florida
- Marine Bank & Trust
- Marine Federal Credit Union
- Monona State Bank
- Navy Army Community Credit Union
- Northway Bank
- Oakworth Capital Bank
- Plaza Park State Bank
- Reliant Community Credit Union
- Security Bank and Trust Company
- Silver State Schools Credit Union
- Spencer County Bank
- Summit Community Bank
- Sundance State Bank
- The Commerce Bank of Washington
- Tioga State Bank
- Torrance Community Credit Union
- Total Community Credit Union
- Triangle Credit Union
- United Community Bank
- USNY Bank
zdroj: 9to5mac